The Doctrine of the Holy Order

Throughout history, divine authority has been periodically restored and withdrawn, depending on mankind’s readiness to receive and preserve it. One of the most sacred and least understood manifestations of this authority is the Holy Order, a structure that predates all religious institutions and traces its origins to Adam and Eve. Denver Snuffer has written extensively

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Warrior Angels

I first heard about warrior angels from Doug Mendenhall. I don’t recall if it was from reading his book, Conquering Spiritual Evil, or from his Jedi Workshop, where we talked about all kinds of things related to the spirit world. I think that was Doug’s favorite topic – the spirit world. It has long been

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The Truth About Addiction – Rabbi Shais Taub

Rabbi Shais Taub, a renowned expert in addiction recovery, emphasizes that addiction is less about substances like drugs and alcohol and more about underlying spiritual and emotional issues. He suggests that the core of addiction involves a spiritual void or disconnection, leading individuals to seek fulfillment through addictive behaviors. Addressing this void through spiritual growth

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Spring 2025 Conference – Add Sections to the Teachings and Commandments

I was pleased to receive the announcement from several sources about the upcoming Spring 2025 conference. I was especially pleased to learn of several sections to be added to the Teachings and Commandments. Although I had read them previously from other sources, I read them all again and pondered them after prayer. Here is a

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AI and the Blessings of Knowledge: A Balanced Perspective for Our Time

In our increasingly fast-paced world, it can be hard to keep up with the innovations around us. The term “Artificial Intelligence,” or AI, has been tossed around in news headlines, workplace discussions, and even casual conversations at church. But for many, especially those of us who remember a time before computers were household staples, AI

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Investigating Claims That Joseph Was Not a Polygamist

I’ve mentioned previously that I have many running offline conversations with readers about various subjects. None seem to get more private responses than posts about Joseph’s innocence. As you can probably tell, I feel very strongly that Joseph was not a polygamist. To me, this knowledge is key to understanding what the Lord is doing

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The Death Cult

“The death cult now meeting in Chicago continues their war against children, encouraging the slaughter of the unborn. To interfere with God’s plan for mankind to bear children to replenish the earth, they offer free vasectomies and abortions during their national celebration of the power to destroy life. Interestingly, their convention’s first day repeatedly celebrated

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Modern English Version of the Book of Mormon Received

Amazon Came Though Even With the Holiday When I placed the order last Saturday, the delivery date showed it would arrive this Saturday (today). During the week, I received an email from Amazon advising me the delivery would be delayed until Sunday, probably because of the holiday. Surprise, it arrived on time. I was delighted.

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Covenant of Christ - the book

Well That Was A Surprise – Modern English Version of the Book of Mormon

I have been enjoying the Top of the Mountains conference for the past few days, delighted that somebody arranged for streaming video of the speakers. On the conference page, it clearly states that Wi-Fi is not available at the site (and a beautiful site it is), so having the sessions available to view from the

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As I Have Loved You

Recently, Carol was assigned new ministering brothers. For those who aren’t familiar with the change in nomenclature, that would be home teachers. I was pleased to learn she was assigned a couple in our ward we greatly admire, who previously served as the President and Matron of the Los Angeles temple. We have been in

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The Voice of Spirit Guides

The Light After Death At the recommendation of long-time reader Margaret Brough from a previous post on Cycles of Creation, I purchased and read “The Light After Death” by Vinney Tolman. I also watched several of his on-line interviews, including this one from Shaman Oaks. Because Vinney’s story includes spirit guides, Amazon recommended “Dancing on

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Stewardship Interview

When I was a Zone Leader on my mission (Central America 1976-1978), in addition to new member baptismal interviews, we were required to conduct stewardship interviews with the District Leaders. This was because the mission president, who was down in San Jose, Costa Rica, couldn’t make it to Managua, Nicaragua, or San Pedro Sula, Honduras

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This is Fine

How smart are your kids? Here’s a quick intelligence test you can give while telling a story: Late one night some very smart rulers in beautiful fancy clothes are in a room discussing what they should do next. They are in a lovely wooden building where lots of people live. One ruler says they need

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Stand Forever – Considering one of the Primary Questions

A loving individual recently shared with me Elder Corbridge’s BYU talk from 2019 – Stand Forever. If you are not familiar with the devotional address, I recommend you take a few moments and either read or watch it. I like Elder Corbridge. He is forthright, direct, and down-to-earth. He is earnest in his approach and

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Hyrum Smith Resources

Recently, a new biography was published about Hyrum Smith (1800-1844), Patriarch, Prophet and President of the Church. While I know of at least a dozen biographies of Joseph Smith, I was surprised to discover there are only four published histories of Hyrum (of which I am aware). I now have all four of these accounts

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Denver spoke on RIGHTEOUSNESS Sunday, Nov. 20 at 6 pm MST. It was broadcast live on YouTube: Here is the link to the recorded broadcast From the glossary on Righteousness is conformity to the Divine Law.1 God measures differently than does man. Being “righteous before God” may not mean the same thing one thinks

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Unity in Humanity

Visit the Facebook Page – Join the Meeting on Zoom I was updating my blogroll and noted several sites I visit regularly have listed the upcoming Unity in Humanity online Zoom conference scheduled for Saturday 22 October 2022. If you click on the image above, it will take you to the Zoom meeting page. There is

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Attending the LDS Church After Resignation

As many long-time readers know, I am not worthy to speak at fellowship gatherings or to minister in the ordinances of the gospel, either in or out of the LDS Church. I cannot administer the Sacrament in my own home because my wife does not sustain me (besides, the LDS Church withdrew that option now that COVID is over), nor can I minister in fellowship gatherings, again, because I am unworthy to do so without the support of my wife. Yet, I am content. I love my wife and as far as I know, she loves me. Surely God will bless us as we strive to avoid contention.

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May this Holy Christmas illuminate your minds and inflame your hearts before the Infant King who lays in the manger. And just as the choirs of the Angels and the homage of the Magi united with the simple adoration of the Shepherds, so also today your commitment to the moral rebirth of the United States of America – one Nation under God – will have the blessing of Our Lord and will gather those who govern you around you.


Dealing With Evil Spirits

It seems the LDS Church has almost discounted entirely the concept that evil spirits are real, that they can and do influence us and that we have power over them through faith in Jesus Christ to send them to the light. The rest of this post is a direct quote from Mel’s autobiography, “The Search for Light and Truth,” published in 2010.

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That You May Abide The Day Of His Coming

I’m an Adventist. No, not a Seventh-Day Adventist. I am a Latter-day Adventist. In other words, I believe strongly in the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ along with all the prophesied tribulations and destructions. I am certain we will eventually experience terrible social, political, economic and physical catastrophic events that will destroy millions

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Angel Moroni – Angel Nephi

I took occasion yesterday to read the paper “The Religion of the Fathers” in a slow and methodical fashion. It is sixty-nine pages, and I did not want to rush through it. I sat through four hours of listening as it was delivered a few weeks ago, now I wanted to read it to remember, confirm and verify the impressions I had when I first heard it but also to absorb the message more fully. Therefore, I sat still as I read, listening for the impressions of the spirit, seeking to know the Lord’s mind.

It took me six hours to read, ponder and look up many of the footnotes. It has the best defense of the Book of Abraham I have ever read. I had heard some of the history of the Egyptian dynasties explained before, but besides my own personal witness from the Lord that it is a valid record and is scripture, perhaps these three statements from the middle of the paper best conclude the matter for me that the opponents of the Book of Abraham have long been barking up the wrong tree.

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Answer to Prayer on Sealing

For the next few years, I am yet a captive of Babylon. So much of my time and energy is given in serving others each day. Sometimes, it is a challenge to not resent it, especially when I must deal with those who are accusatory or abusive. But it never fails, when I pause and say, “Why, Lord?” He responds, “so you will understand what it is like to be falsely accused and abused.” Translation: some folks resent IT people for not preventing their IT problems.

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A Prayer for Understanding of Sealing

Oh Lord, can a man and a woman who love each other and have demonstrated a lifetime of human love together and who believe in the life hereafter be together in the eternities even though one is a faithful member of the LDS church and one has resigned their long-time membership in the LDS Church and does not recognize or acknowledge the claims of authority of the President of the LDS Church to bind or seal on earth and have it recognized in heaven, or that authority can be delegated to others?

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Attending a Wilderness Religious Retreat

After several kind yet firm invitations from a good friend, I decided to accept an invitation to join him and five or six hundred other like-minded individuals to leave the comfort of my Southern California home for a weekend in the wilderness somewhere south of Mesquite, NV. This place is out in the wilderness, away from the city lights, a place that reminds me of where someone would go of they wanted to get away from all the comforts of civilization.

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There Shall be no Disputations Among You

I believe the Lord is gathering a people, the angels are preparing those who will gather at the tops of the mountains to await his coming. I remain convinced it will yet be in my lifetime. There are many who write about the seven year cycles of preparation before the coming of the Lord. We are in a time of final preparation, the last seven years. No, that’s not original with me. You can find lots of folks who write about this, but I am not one to promote timeframes.

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I am the True Vine

The LDS Church currently teaches they have the fulness of the temple ordinances and all that God intended to reveal on the subject. Again, I totally disagree. The LDS Church did not previously believe or teach they had the fulness of the temple teachings. That is a recent claim and is simply not true.

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Civil War, Tribes and Fleeing to Zion

Communication systems have failed. There is no cellular network. There is no central government, either on a national or state level. There is no police force, no military. No fuel for the fighter jets and tanks. Our great health care system with all the hospitals, medicines and lifesaving power has been decimated. Distribution of goods is non-existent. Civilization has gone back a hundred and fifty years. No cars, no working sewage systems, no more water distribution.

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My Interview with Dr. Jana Riess

I don’t think the current leaders of the LDS Church are intentionally trying to deceive the saints. They’ve inherited this huge unwieldy beast and are doing the best with what they have. Brigham created a monster because of his insistence that polygamy was commanded of God. Church leaders today don’t even want to talk about polygamy, the elephant in the room.

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Network Engineers in Zion

Can you imagine a world without electricity, laptop computers, the Internet (I’m using all three right now) and cell phones? What would you do with yourself all day? How would you survive? What if you couldn’t get your medications from the local pharmacy? What if the local grocery store no longer had food to sell? What if you could no longer get any gasoline for your cars? Is that where the myth of walking to Zion came into the church?

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Beautiful Southern Utah

It is Zion returning. He comes with the City of Enoch, which was taken up. But before He comes, Zion must be established here and prepared to meet Him when He comes. The Lord is working to prepare a people who will be that Zion. They are few in number, cast out because of their beliefs that are not in line with the traditions of the church fathers.

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The Heavens Are Open

“You, to be competent in teaching your children, must first have the Holy Ghost as your guide. Then, once you have that, you ought to have familiarity with the scriptures, just as Hyrum was told to first learn what was in them before trying to teach others. Then you are qualified to go and teach your children, and you have an obligation to do that. Children are the means to preserve Zion. Without the conversion of children, Zion has no chance of surviving.” (Denver Snuffer)

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The Most Correct Book

Joseph Smith said that the Book of Mormon was the “most correct book” of any book on Earth. This is because it was not translated by man. It was translated by God. He is the author of the book. He gave the words to Joseph through the Urim & Thummim, the seerstone and later by direct revelation as Joseph’s gifts were developed. The Book of Mormon did not get translated from reformed Egyptian into English. It was given by revelation from the Lord. At times, Joseph did not even look at the plates to translate.

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Insights from a Prophet’s Life

Last week, for the first time that I can recall in the five years since I had resigned my membership in the LDS Church, a good brother of the ward stopped me on my way to the car after church and said, “I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you. Each Sunday you come to church, sit next to your wife and listen carefully to the speakers. I know you’re here supporting your wife even though you’re not a believer. You stand tall in my book.” I wanted to correct him that I AM a believer, but the time wasn’t right.

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You Do What You Want

In a recent email exchange with a reader, we discussed the idea of being led by the spirit, particularly in regard to what we choose to read and to study. It is a fascinating topic and worthy of consideration.

My reader had asked me for some additional clarification of my positions on a few doctrinal and historical questions. I provided links to some of Denver’s papers and a few of my own posts. He responded he had read my posts but felt constrained by the spirit to not read any of Denver’s materials, even though he said he tried.

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Suicide Among LDS Youth in Utah

Through artificial means, mankind has devised ways around that core structure to bring children into the world. Two men or two women can now become parents without going through the same method set forth by God. However, this defeats the purpose of the divine plan, which is to unite a man and a woman in the procreative process. That unity is much more than physical, it binds the couple together at a much deeper spiritual level.

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Joseph Smith and Polygamy

If you love LDS history as I do, especially the Nauvoo era, you will love this book. Be prepared for a refreshing and unusual treatment of the subject. This is decidedly not a telling of the story of Mormon polygamy from the standard or traditional LDS point of view. The author takes advantage of RLDS sources that most LDS authors will dismiss. This book is a call to repentance, especially to those who still believe polygamy is ordained of God or was taught or practiced by Joseph Smith. If you are a descendant of a polygamous family, you must read this book. Your appreciation for Joseph will increase and your eyes will be opened about how polygamy really came about in Mormon history.

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Excommunicated Mormons

I took a few weeks recently to closely examine what I believe. I made a short, concise list of about forty relevant doctrines, principles and practices. I wanted to offer the list to kind and well-meaning folks who have asked how they could help me come back into the LDS faith. For the most part, there is a a lot of commonality in what we believe.

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Temple and Family History Work

God demands that our hearts turn to the fathers or we will be wasted at His return. This requirement is not to turn to them in just a figurative way, where we do genealogical work to connect ourselves with our recently deceased forebearers. That work is a wrongheaded effort to seal people to those kept in prison. The return of our hearts will require us to have the same religion, and the same beliefs in our hearts that the original fathers had beginning with Adam. Only in that way will our hearts turn to the fathers.

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Mutual Agreement and Disputations

We have the opportunity to vote on a definition of “Mutual Agreement.” The Lord was petitioned to define the phrase for us a few years back, especially in connection with our many disputations over the Statement of Principles to be used as a Guide and Standard. He did so. It was short, clear and concise. His response honors our agency. He reminds us we must choose. Mutual Agreement means we choose to not dispute one with another.

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General Conference April 2019 Sessions

No, this post isn’t about the LDS / Mormon General Conference to be held 6-7 April 2019 in Salt Lake City UT. This is about the Restoration General Conference to be held 19-21 April 2019 in Grand Junction CO. I know it’s a bit confusing to call it General Conference, but that’s how it is labeled when it gets into the archives. Perhaps it should be called the Temple Conference since that is the theme. This is about the Saturday breakout sessions.

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