I get a lot of private email from readers who ask me to mention their site in my posts. I’m happy to do so. In the past, I’ve even had guest bloggers who shared their views here for a period of time. I stopped the guest blogger thing because no matter how much you enjoy someone’s skill at writing, invariably there are going to be things written that are at odds with what you believe. And I don’t feel that’s fair to long-time readers.
A reader contacted me earlier this year asking for advice on starting a blog. I shared a few thoughts about platform (Blogger versus WordPress), comments (none, moderated or open) and engaging with readers (anonymity or public persona). It’s so easy to be misunderstood. Are you willing to put yourself out there in order to get a message across that you feel is important or will the message speak for itself?
I’m impressed that our dialog has resulted in a new blog that frankly, I find intriguing. It’s called Gramarye (GRAM-uh-ree) and yes, I had to look it up. I’ve watched blogs come and go, especially Mormon or LDS-themed blogs. I have a list of sites I read regularly, with almost all of them related in some way to the Mormon restoration movement. I hope this one stays. Based on my dialog with the author, I have a feeling this blog will be worth watching. I have added it to my blog roll.
A Study Guide to Come Unto Christ
Most readers of this blog know the theme of gospel study in the LDS Church this year is once again the Book of Mormon. A study guide has been published, available online or through the Gospel Library app. There are many additional resources to help find the nuggets you may have missed in your personal study. For example, Pure Revelations just concluded a year-long running commentary on the Book of Mormon.
I like study guides, especially for the Book of Mormon. I have collected a lot of them over the years, most published by the LDS Church or members with orthodox views of how we should interpret what is found in the book. Since I am not an orthodox Mormon, I am interested in alternative views from what the church publishes. I have seen some of the advance posts for Gramarye. They are not typical and certainly not orthodox.
I hope to complete the first lesson this week, perhaps tomorrow, the first day of the new year. I usually arrive at work before 6am just so I can have a few hours of quiet time to read and study. Depending on my work load that day, it doesn’t always work out to be the quiet, contemplative study time I desire. Nevertheless, I know the Lord blesses me for making the effort. Perhaps with Gramarye I can formalize my study efforts.
The Remnant, the Gentiles and Condemnation
I like the fact that the author of Gramarye asked us right away to identify the Remnant and the Gentiles. From years of sitting in LDS classes (and teaching them), I know the standard answer of who the Gentiles are. Typically identified by members of the LDS Church as those who are not Mormons, I consider Gentiles to be just the opposite. They are members of the LDS Church found mainly in North America. From Scriptures.info:
“The church restored through Joseph Smith is referred to throughout the Book of Mormon as the gentiles. Joseph knew this, and the Kirtland Temple dedicatory prayer, which came to him as a revelation, explained how the church was regarded by the Lord. All the prophecies of the Book of Mormon upon the gentiles are references to what the latter-day gentile church will accomplish (or fail to accomplish). Christ’s prophecy (see 3 Nephi 16:10 in LDS Scriptures) does not anticipate gentile success.
“The gentiles will reject the fullness offered to them. At that day when the gentiles shall sin against my gospel does not raise the possibility of if, but only when. According to Christ, the gentiles shall reject the fullness of my gospel. Taking these words at their plain meaning, it leaves no room for gentiles to obtain and perpetuate the fullness of the priesthood. They will, instead, reject it when it is offered them. But despite having rejected it, gentiles are allowed to repent and join the remnant of the Book of Mormon people and be saved.”
For more, see: The Fullness of the Gospel Among Gentiles
I learned something from the Come Follow Me reading schedule.
It’s the last paragraph of the Introduction to the Book of Mormon.
Quote: “Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is His revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom once again established on the earth, preparatory to the Second Coming of the Messiah.”
So THAT is where the logic comes from that: If BofM true, THEN Joseph was a Prophet AND the LDS Church is true, AND the LDS Church is the Kingdom of God. (Abbreviations used for brevity rather than the full name of the Church, no offense intended)
The introduction puts Christ as Savior, the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith the Revelator, the LDS Church, and the LDS Church = Kingdom of God all into one big logic string. I’ve heard that for so many years but had I had forgotten where it may have originated.
One thing I’ve noticed in my small sphere is that what gets set up via this sort of domino effect, can also sometimes come falling down by the same logic. I wish that last paragraph hadn’t been included in the introduction. I’ve seen the logic string lead to crisis of faith in the whole thing when one part of the logic string breaks down. Such as someone notices or has trouble with the LDS Church. Had the Book of Mormon remained independent of the LDS Church people of all faiths could use and value the Book, rather than have it be viewed as the exclusive property of the LDS Church. Some may have maintained faith in Christ as well when other aspects to the logic chain broke down for them personally.
A potential interesting question for Gramarye’s blog on this weeks reading might be a question asking how it is that the Book of Mormon equates to the perpetual veracity of one specific Church, and it’s status as Kingdom of God?
Hi tsurfdude.
I was introduced to that logic before my mission. I liked it and I used it extensively both during and after my mission. It wasn’t until I wrote a post on the True and Living Church back in 2008 that I seriously considered the flaw in that logic. Good people pointed it out in the comments and got me thinking.
My understanding of that passage in D&C 1:30 has changed. The Lord was indeed pleased with the church at the time that section was given (Nov 1831) because Joseph was there receiving revelations for the church. He was alive and very much connected to the Lord. He was the source of living oracles.
With the death of Joseph, that connection to heaven was severed. I like this commentary about that phrase and passage of scripture:
“The Lord’s reference to the Church in a revelation received on November 1, 1831 as ‘the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth’ (D&C 1: 30) was true [at that time] for the following reasons:
“First, the Church was established by revelation, visitations from angels, and delegation of authority.
“Second, it was ‘living’ because the authority and gifts were present and unfolding; and new scripture and revelations were being received.
“Third, it would continue to grow in knowledge, light and truth as further ordinances and rites were restored.
“Finally, it was ‘true’ because it taught the doctrines which gave converts the tools with which they could grow in light and knowledge until the perfect day. (D&C 50: 24.)
The Lord’s description in 1831 is what we should aspire to have said about us still, today. But, of course, that would require us to also be ‘true’ and ‘living’ in the same way as the Church in 1831.”
and …
“…to the extent that the church was a true and living church, it was a true and living church because God owned the words that came through Joseph. And God vouched for the words that came through Joseph. And God cautioned them, and us, about ignoring the words that come through the prophet Joseph Smith.”
A little more …
“The claim that Mormonism was the ‘only true and living church’ presumed the willingness to hear God’s voice and receive new truth; it was not because it already had all truth. It was ‘living’ during Joseph’s life because it continued to grow and expand. Living organisms grow, dead ones decay.”
and finally …
“One of the clearest moments in LDS Church history came on August 8, 1844. Joseph was dead. There were multiple contenders to lead the church in the leadership vacuum left by Joseph and Hyrum’s murders. When the critical moment arrived, the church took a profound, irreversible step. The church which was founded by revelation, proclaimed it was led by revelation, and held itself out as “true and living” because it was led by a prophet who received revelation, chose at that moment to ignore revelation.
“No one argued the choice should be made by God and then revealed to the church. Instead the church held an election and voted the 12 into power. At that moment the church decided to vote for its destiny, instead of letting God reveal to her His choice. Under the new direction Nauvoo was abandoned, the Saints fled into the wilderness, suffered, endured misery, were abused and blamed by the leaders for the leaders’ failures, and received chastening from an unimpressed God.”
I also look forward to what the author of Gramarye has to say about the idea of the Book of Mormon proving the veracity of one specific church. Does it indeed?
Hi Tim,
Well said. Supporting evidence of that is the overall net reduction in content of the D&C once the light from heaven stopped with Joseph and Hyrum being killed. Not only has the LDS D&C not grown since Joseph’s day, it has shrunk. Even with section 136, 138, OD1 and OD2 being added, if you take into account the removal of the Lectures on Faith back in 1921, the D&C has gotten smaller.
God was apparently serious when he said the Church would remain under the condemnation until people repented, stopped neglecting the BofM, and former commandments, and went about not only saying but doing as God asked. You’ve documented that well on your blog.
Living things grow, dead ones decay. You and I agree God is speaking anew, and how grateful I am for God’s patience and willingness to work with mankind again.