A Work For Zion Has Begun

Several months ago, a handful of families in the movement felt inspired to begin an effort to lay up stores against a coming time of want and need. A work group from among interested parties was formed and work was begun to consider questions related to the issue of providing for our families through coming circumstances we may face as the Lord brings His Zion.  A growing number of families have begun the necessary labor to provide for our families against a fast approaching “troubling season,” (T&C 158:12), and what may follow as the Lord moves forward His work to bring His Zion. 

We invite every person and family in this movement to join in the labor for Zion now by laying up stores to provide for your family against coming seasons of want and need. 

“God cannot produce Zion for, or with, people who refuse to labor. Because His promise is for the results of the labor and nothing else. As far as I know, none of us, and certainly I, cannot provide for everyone. But, I can provide for my own family. And each of you should labor to do the same” (Equality – Denver Snuffer – Challis Idaho Transcript pg. 13 of 20).

We are to Labor to Provide for our Families

We are required to provide for our families now in the present. Looking forward, we will need to provide for our families in a “troubling season now fast approaching” (T&C 158:12) and beyond.

Note: Four years have elapsed since the Lord gave us this instruction (T&C 158:12). You might ask yourselves, what have we done in four years to prepare for a troubling season? 

We will need to provide for our families during an undefined length of time following a gathering by the Lord in which our entire efforts and labors may be required to be devoted to subduing and working the earth until she yields sufficient for our needs (For guidance see Equality – Denver Snuffer – Challis Idaho transcript page 10 of 20).

God, in His mercy, is giving us this current season of relative peace, abundance, and prosperity.  He is making it possible for us to provide for our families now, and during a fast approaching ‘troubling season’ and beyond as the Lord brings forth His Zion (For guidance see Equality – Denver Snuffer – Challis Idaho Transcript pages 9-10 of 20).

Many are anxiously engaged preparing to provide for our families’ and fellowships’ coming needs. We invite you to join the work for Zion by beginning your own labor to provide for your family against a coming day of want now fast approaching (T&C 158:12).

What is the Suggested Plan?

Above all things we desire to receive and exactly follow the will and desires of the Lord for us. This must be His work, done at His direction. We desire above all things that He be our guide. 

Individuals and Families 
  1. Determine your families’ needs.
  2. Determine what you already have.
  3. Prioritize your families’ needs.
  4. Lay out a plan to acquire your families’ needs.
  5. Begin to produce, acquire, and lay up stores.
  1. Counsel together with fellowship members to inspire, encourage, and help them identify family needs and begin to lay up stores.
  2. Work together as mutually agreed among fellowship to meet the needs of fellowship members.
  3. Review carefully, and prayerfully follow all revealed words of the Lord concerning wise and required use and application of limited temporal resources. (For Guidance see Equality – Denver Snuffer – Challis Idaho Transcript pg. 13-15)
Storehouse Work Group
  1. Provide knowledge and resources to assist families and fellowships to identify and meet storage needs.
  2. Gather knowledge and resources to build and maintain a central web site that individuals, families, and fellowships may use to help meet their storage needs.
  3. Recommend contact between individuals, families, and fellowships with specific resources and storage skills and those searching for those specific resources or skills.
  4. Create, manage, and update, a central information exchange hub for “great deals” and storage opportunities (Website “Specials” page).
  5. Provide a “Wants / Available” listing page on the web site for items individuals or families may be seeking, or willing to sell or give away.

If you would like to know more, please visit the website Stand independent.com for resources we have gathered to assist your family and fellowship in your efforts to prepare.

The website Stand independent.com is a work in progress that will be evolving and changing as we go along. We invite you to share your expertise, ideas, and experiences related to storage topics that may assist all others in their storage efforts.  Your stories, ideas, suggestions and other content will be appreciated.

Please contact us at standindependentnow@gmail.com with ideas, experiences, stories, and other suggestions for content to be added to the website. The storehouse work group will determine together by common consent vote all content to be added to the website Stand independent.com  

The storehouse work group:

Nephi and Kim Barlow
Evan and Karen Bennett
Terry and Mellody Fausett
Jim and Angela O’Rullian
McKay Platt
Jon and Tina Saunders
Kimberly and Mike Thompson
Steve and Linda VanLeer
Shalyce Woodard