Cycles of Creation, Eternal Lives, and NDEs

I have been fascinated recently with a YouTube Channel Shaman Oaks with Alan L. Chapman. Alan features numerous first-hand interviews with Near Death Experiencers, many of whom I had not heard of before. When I did my series on NDE literature most of these individuals had not yet experienced their NDEs. The interviews are fascinating and revealing.

One of the common themes of these accounts is related with the words, “I was home,” or “I felt like I had come home.” They went on to share that they knew this life was a temporary journey, and that they no longer had any fear of death. They expressed how they felt all the burdens of mortality lifted. But one episode in particular impressed me with this message:

I’m paraphrasing here. If anybody is really interested, I can point you to the exact interview. The woman in this episode related how she knew she had been to earth before. She said everybody understands this. Time is not the same in the spirit world. The mortal body, which vibrates at a much lower frequency, is unable to fully comprehend the spirit world.

One Eternal Round

In other words, the body is the veil. It keeps us from seeing the spirit world around us. If we could enter the spirit world for a few moments, we would learn that we agree to come here with specific things we want to learn. Our lives are tailored for us to allow us to focus on these goals. We come to earth or another similar planet in a cycle of creation, adding line upon line.

This is a difficult concept for many folks to accept. It’s not orthodox Christianity, which clearly teaches that this life is all there is, meaning one mortal existence: “One and done.” Up until I read a book – twice – with the title “Teachings of the Doctrine of Eternal Lives” I totally rejected the idea of any other explanation than what I was taught in the LDS Church growing up.

To get an idea of how opposed I was to this idea, read my 2013 post “Eternal Lives, Past Lives and Reincarnation” written after the 2012 post referenced in the previous paragraph. In both posts I am arguing from a position of total commitment to the orthodox LDS doctrine of a single mortal existence, never to be repeated. I no longer feel that doctrine is correct.

You Have Been Here Before

I warmed up to the idea after many long private dialogs with readers who kindly led me along to a different understanding after I had published the two posts listed in the previous section. Many of those readers are still with me as subscribers. I’ve thanked them privately but thank them again publicly. Understanding this doctrine has changed my life in so many ways.

One of the books that helped me with this concept is “You Have Been Here Before” by Dr. Edith Fiore. Watching these interviews with Alan Chapman just reconfirmed to me that the doctrine is true. It helps in so many ways when I am having a bad day to remember I am here to learn, I am here to grow, I am loved perfectly, and everything through which I pass is for my own good.

Don’t be Distracted – Focus on This Life

As Denver Snuffer wrote on his blog, “…whether true or not, it does not change a single thing about your life now. You have a challenge before you which can only be met by keeping every requirement established by the Lord for your redemption now. I fear those who are most enamored by this teaching are only distracted by it.

“They speculate about their own past history (or histories), and don’t realize their present life is slipping into history without adequate attention being given to the moment-to-moment responsibilities we are called upon to meet every second of this life. … even if you decide there is truth in it, nothing should change. … you have a challenge to live your life well NOW.”

Resources to Consider

Here are a few additional thoughts as I explored this topic with Google Gemini and Chat GPT:

Researchers have identified several common elements in Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) through scientific literature. It’s important to note that individual experiences can vary, and not everyone who has an NDE will report all of these elements. Common elements often include:

Out-of-Body Experience (OBE): Many individuals report a sensation of floating outside their own body and observing their surroundings or the events taking place.

Tunnel Experience: A significant number of NDE accounts include the perception of traveling through a tunnel toward a light.

Encountering a Light: Individuals often describe encountering a bright light that is perceived as warm, loving, and inviting. This light is commonly associated with a sense of peace and unconditional love.

Life Review: A life review involves individuals revisiting significant events from their lives, often with a focus on the impact of their actions on others. This review is typically described as non-judgmental.

Encounters with Deceased Loved Ones: Some individuals report meeting deceased relatives, friends, or spiritual beings during their NDE. These encounters are often described as positive and comforting.

Sense of Timelessness: Many NDErs report a distortion or absence of the sense of time during their experience. Time may feel suspended or lose its conventional meaning.

Intense Emotions: Emotions experienced during NDEs are often described as more intense and profound than typical human emotions. Positive emotions, such as love and joy, are frequently reported.

Entering Another Realm or Dimension: Some individuals describe entering a different realm or dimension that is distinct from ordinary reality.

Encountering Beings of Light: NDEs may involve interactions with beings of light or entities that exude a sense of wisdom, love, and guidance.

Return to the Body: Many individuals report a conscious decision or being guided to return to their physical body, often with a renewed sense of purpose or understanding.

It’s important to emphasize that while these common elements have been identified, individual experiences can vary widely. Furthermore, ongoing research aims to explore the underlying neurological, psychological, and cultural factors that contribute to the emergence of these elements in NDE narratives.

A Few Scientific Studies

While specific NDEs may be referenced in scientific studies, it’s important to note that scientific literature often focuses on general patterns and common elements rather than individual cases. Due to the personal and subjective nature of NDEs, research typically emphasizes broader trends rather than highlighting specific, well-known cases. However, a few cases have gained attention in both scientific and popular literature. Here are a couple of examples:

The Case of Pam Reynolds:

Pam Reynolds’ NDE is often cited and discussed in the context of near-death experiences. Reynolds underwent a unique surgical procedure called hypothermic cardiac arrest, during which her body temperature was lowered to induce a temporary cessation of brain activity. Despite the absence of brain function, she reported detailed and verifiable perceptions during the experience. Her case has been explored in various scientific and popular publications.

The Case of Eben Alexander:

Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, reported a profound NDE during a coma caused by bacterial meningitis. His account, described in the book “Proof of Heaven,” gained widespread attention and has been referenced in discussions about consciousness and NDEs.

It’s crucial to approach individual cases with a critical mindset, considering factors such as the reliability of the accounts, potential biases, and the specific circumstances surrounding each experience. While these cases have contributed to the broader conversation about NDEs, scientific research often focuses on aggregating data from various individuals to identify common elements and patterns. The field continues to explore the underlying mechanisms and implications of near-death experiences.

A Few Well-Known NDE Books

Here are a few well-known books on near-death experiences (NDEs) that have been influential in the field. Please note that popularity can vary, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest reviews and rankings on relevant platforms. Here are some notable books:

  1. “Life After Life” by Raymond Moody: This classic book, published in 1975, is one of the pioneering works that brought attention to NDEs. Raymond Moody explores case studies and common elements in near-death experiences, contributing to the popularization of the term “near-death experience.”
  2. “The Light Beyond” by Raymond A. Moody Jr. and Paul Perry: Written by Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, this book delves into the spiritual aspects of near-death experiences. It includes accounts of individuals who have had NDEs and explores the transformative impact of these experiences on their lives.
  3. “The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences” by P.M.H. Atwater: P.M.H. What really happens when we die? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? A surprising number of people have died and lived to tell the tale—an estimated 15 million Americans and 4 to 5 percent of the global population have had a near-death experience. “The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences” is the encyclopedia of this phenomenon, including crucial research regarding the experience, its aftereffects, and the implications for all of us who someday will shed this mortal coil.
  4. “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani: Anita Moorjani’s memoir recounts her personal journey, including a near-death experience that occurred during a coma caused by cancer. The book explores themes of healing, self-discovery, and the profound insights gained from her NDE.
  5. “Beyond the Light” by P.M.H. Atwater: Another work by P.M.H. Atwater, this book delves into the aftereffects of near-death experiences. It explores how NDEs can bring about profound changes in individuals’ lives, including shifts in attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions.

Before purchasing or relying on information from any source, it’s advisable to read reviews, consider different perspectives, and be aware of the varied interpretations of NDEs within the scientific and spiritual communities. Additionally, new books and research on this topic continue to emerge, so staying updated with the latest publications can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the field.

—- End of dialogs with Chat GPT —


ChatGPT will sometimes create material out of thin air. It did so as I was researching this post. It stated that PMH Atwater had published a book entitled “Into the Light” with the description below, which sounds very plausible but cannot be verified. This is not the first time I have seen ChatGPT make stuff up.

“P.M.H. Atwater is a researcher and experiencer of near-death states. In this book, she shares insights into her own NDEs and explores commonalities among various near-death experiencers. Atwater’s work emphasizes the transformative and healing aspects of these experiences.”

6 thoughts on “Cycles of Creation, Eternal Lives, and NDEs”

  1. Margaret Brough

    Another good book is: The Light After Death: My Journey To Heaven and Back by Vincent Tolman – I have loved his interviews on you tube, they are very enlightening the book gives a little more detail of his experience. It’s crazy to think it happened just up the street from me!

  2. Someone once pointed out to me that by insisting you only get one shot, that increases control by religious leaders because it puts you in a position of fear. You’re always one slip-up from hell and you need their help to make sure you get to the right place.

    Another consideration is that mankind was placed here to live the life of a tree. It was shortened due to sin, but spirits still need the time to learn and experience whatever it is they need. You won’t accomplish as much as if you lived to 800, but you have a variety of very different experiences to expand your understanding.

  3. Rouel4358232345 Henrie

    Joseph Smith said that we go from this probation to other probation and are lead into other dispensations by the leader of the dispensations

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