Like Rock Waterman and John Dehlin each struggling with their own fights today, one for his physical life and one for his LDS Church membership, I too have been fighting a battle in the deep recesses of my mind, where only the light of my faith in Jesus Christ shines through. I keep sane with a focus on my daily work, spending every moment in crunch time fiscal budgeting. I hope you will add your prayers and faith for both these pioneers in the LDS blogging world.
Carol and I spent a quiet day together yesterday, me in front of the computer trying to get my annual budget and strategic plan completed and Carol organizing our financial records with her new Neat scanner, giving Fujitsu’s ScanSnap some legitimate competition. I have bought dozens of the ScanSnaps over the years for my co-workers. The Neat scanner is a great home version of this venerable and essential tool of anybody trying to win in the uphill battle to go paperless.
We Are All Connected
I’ve been hesitant to share anything lately, cognizant of one reader’s caustic comments stating nobody wants to read the silly remarks of a stupid and boring old man. The Lord had other plans. I am filled with desire this early morning to sing the praises of good people who have come into my life over the years as friends, work associates, readers, fellow believers in Christ and yes, even those who have decided to hate me because I acted on a decision they found offensive.
I clicked a wrong button on LinkedIn and sent thousands of invitations out to people on my work and home email contacts going back ten or twelve years. I had not intended to do so but was so pleased when hundreds of people responded favorably, some writing they were surprised to hear from me after so many years, and delighted I would remember them. We are so interconnected even a casual contact in a business deal from ten years ago can have a great influence upon us.
There is Great Good in Everyone
You may be familiar with the saying, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” Evidence of such battles is all around us in news reports of young people taking their own lives in drug overdoses, or stories of people doing mean or stupid things in a selfish and thoughtless manner. We are all learning and maturing in this wonderful stage of our existence and bound to make mistakes or hang on to incorrect assumptions about life in general.
In spite of stupidity or ignorance the news media loves to point out, I continue to feel hopeful there is great good in everyone, even those who lash out in bitter words of hatred or bigoted actions of rejection, cutting off good people who want only to help others feel loved, accepted and not so alone in this lone and dreary world. Rejection is based on ignorance. We are saved no faster than we gain knowledge, especially knowledge of our Savior and His power to reach all.
In the Quiet Chambers of the Soul
My own battles with demons has taken on a new dimension lately. They are more open and blatant in their attacks on my efforts to be master of my own thoughts. They would have me believe we have no hope of ever achieving any such control. I know otherwise, perhaps with a knowledge brought from another world, perhaps by watching you as you express yourself either in writing or in courageous verbalizations of what you have learned and feel inspired to share.
When it gets to the point where conversations with those in the unseen world are no longer veiled or hidden at all, it either demonstrates extreme trust on the part of the Lord or you have become so used to their presence they feel no need to disguise their true intent. One must pass through hell before one can enter the presence of the angels. Who are the sentinels standing guard? Do flaming swords and fiery darts have more in common than we know? What a dreadful thought.
Führerprinzip and Loyalty in Heaven
For those who express private accusations of disloyalty, I ask you to consider the recent writings of my friend Log. What is loyalty and who alone is worthy of such devotion? Who comes to you with aid and comfort in your darkest hour, reminding of things said and done long ago, perhaps in another world, where we saw and knew one another without veil or darkness? Who picks you up with an impression, a thought, a vision or even the smallest of feelings that you can make it?
And who comes closest to emulating the power of such a being, whose influence is felt even in the darkest reaches of hell, if only by remembering and thinking upon his goodness? There are so many in our lives. Think upon your own angels. Where do you meet beings of light most often? For me, it is among the believers of Christ, who each in their own way share by example or by kindness they trust in the ultimate triumph of good over evil, in the face of obvious daily irony.
Valley of the Shadow of Death
In the end, we chose to believe in the power of an unseen being to save us. If your God has no such power, you may want to rethink your purpose in life. How can I turn away from a friend who stands by my side in the presence of death, who comforts and holds my shield in the face of onslaughts intended to destroy? He does not leave. He never departs. He is constant and true. I stand all amazed. He desires to spend time with me, when my company seems so dark and sad.
For those who have lost loved ones in recent days, for those whose hearts are broken in grief and pain, for those who have all but given up in despair of ever finding answers to questions so long-asked and tire of waiting for the fulfilment of long-held hope, I offer this: He lives. He abides with us still. He is real. He has the power to save from death and hell and the devil. Although I walk with devils and demons, there walks with me one who is filled with light to give me hope.
The Bringer of Peace and Hope
He is mighty to save. He teaches with kind and patient long-suffering. His love endureth forever. He is the bright and morning star, whose very presence dispels all thoughts of darkness. He is the bringer of hope and of salvation. He answers those who call upon him even in the bitterness of hell. For those who wait for Him in the hostile dark of the battlefield, he is there, always there, the bringer of peace. For those who have eyes to see, look. He has never left. In the end, all will kneel before Him.
He knows your battles. He stands at your side. He fights your battles for you. The victory has already been won. The enemy was defeated so many years ago. This is their last desperate hour as they attempt to deceive and cause you to believe otherwise. They have no real or lasting power. They know they must flee when He reveals Himself in glory. Who will abide the day of His coming? Who will stand in His presence? Those who gave Him their contrite spirits and broken hearts.
Thanks, Tim. What a beautiful testimony of our Lord and Savior. I Love truth statements, especially those about Christ. How quickly we can forget that the battle is already won, and it is just our choosing which side we are to be on. It is true we must walk through hell first, and He is indeed mighty to save. Wonderful things to think about on the sabbath. Thank you, and God bless you!
Thank you!
You so often put into the written word what I’m feeling or also experiencing and discovering. This movement would be so much more difficult without these modern conveniences tying us together and giving strength one to another!
Thank you Tim. I needed to read this, this morning.
I have never commented before, but felt like today I needed to. I need to exercise this unknown skill of write more, its just seems very difficult to compose my thoughts into writing. You have a beautiful gift! Thank you for your words! I’m glad to see you did not heed Barbara’s attempt to destroy or remove your focus. CARRY ON, my friend! I look forward to all your posts.
Thank you for this thoughtful post. We all seem to have our moments of struggle when we doubt our purpose and direction. Your blog, as well as the blogs of Rock, John, and others have been an answer to prayer during a time of great confusion in my mind. Even though some may believe that these blogs pull towards the dark, for me, they have accomplished just the opposite.
They have forced me to the scriptures, and to my knees to confirm for myself, the reality of Jesus Christ and his mission.
Along with the main posts, the dialog in the comment sections, especially on this site, have provided additional understanding and deeper insights to gospel principles. Although you get “grouch” comments, most have been uplifting and support your intention and mission.
I too believe that there is great good in the world. No doubt we have to move past the front pages of main stream and social media to the back pages, so to speak, to find it. The adversary certainly is pushing hard to have us believe there is no hope.
Thank you Tim, and many others, who have sacrificed a great deal to provide a space where different points of view of gospel principles can be discussed. And, thank you to those who post and comment for your vision of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
With empathy,
I am also accused of being a silly and boaring old man. Keep boaring me please.
Forgive me, but are you trying to say you are being tempted and tried with great severity right now? And that you are hearing voices?
Log, my friend, I am always being tempted and tried. The temptation is to “give in” to the voices and to believe their lies. I am simply amazed how much stronger and clearer their voices have become in the past few weeks. They say God has something wonderful in store for you when the adversary kicks into high gear.
I once wrote a similar piece about the vicissitudes of trial and temptation from evil spirits who taunt and torment. The result was a clear revelation of the kindest and most compassionate love I have felt from my Redeemer since the time He and I first conversed at Ricks College. I felt similar love this morning.
Is there anything you need from me?
Of course, my counsel is almost always mighty prayer, scripture study, and good works…
For those who don’t have access to Connie’s post on Facebook:
“I wanted to write an update about Rock , as so many people have asked how he (and I) are doing. In the past week and a half, Rock has been so near death, that it has terrified me. I finally went to see my own Dr. on Thursday the 5th. My Dr. took one look at Rock and took him back for free.
“Rock’s lungs were no longer filled with audible air, they were vibrating. Dr. told Rock that it sounded like he had end stage emphysema. Rock had not been given the proper meds he needed at the hospital, so he was actually much worse. He has now been given a much more potent nebulizer meds so we expect things to finally begin to improve but it will take some weeks. His fever has been high again. (I was diagnosed with probable whooping cough which is bacterial so I’m likely still contagious).
“Some of you have asked if you can come and visit Rock. Many who have called may have noticed that Rock is not answering his phone. Rock has so little air to breathe that any effort to talk is too taxing, so thank you for your kind concerns but visitors would be too much for him right now.
“Rock and I are so very grateful for your prayers, fasting, energy work, light and love. Truly, your friendship means more to us than we could ever say. We are humbly grateful and always will be for every one of you. You all created a miracle for Rock! I am so thankful that my husband is still here.”
With love always,
Beautiful words and well said. I cannot believe anyone would say they didn’t want to hear the ramblings of an old man. First of all, you don’t seem old to me lol. Second, people like that only have the spirit of satan in their hearts. Do not listen to them or let them get you down. There are so many people who love you and are rooting for you.
Oh brother Tim, you are so much in our prayers.
I love plain, simple testimonies of Christ,… especially when rendered by trying circumstance. Yours is well appreciated.
Dear Brother Tim…I am new to your blog as of a few days ago. Just so you know, finding this,even though not looking for it, has blessed my life. I have only begun to become acquainted with Denver Snuffers’ writings but find a familiar spirit in them. There is a familiar spirit in your writings also. Thank you for your willingness to share your feelings, knowledge, experiences and testimony regarding various gospel subjects, as well as events in your life. This has strengthened my testimony. Its good to know there are others who have had similar experiences and drawn similar conclusions, and have been led by the Spirit of God in similar ways. It has sometimes been a VERY lonely path that I have been traveling, but I realize now that I am not alone. Really…I have never been alone because the Lord has always been there. Also, I have never had an experience with our Lord in which, foremost, I did not feel his love and concern for me, even if it was a rebuke. As we travel this path to know and serve him, I know that He will be with us, even as He has said. He will strengthen us and guide us, and not forsake us in this pursuit…if we keep our face turned toward Him. Thanks for all you are doing…stay the course.
with love in Christ,
your brother, Danny Sukut
Love you Tim. Bless you for your heart and diligents.