At Connor’s encouragement, I updated the rankings list of the solo LDS Blogs I read on a regular basis. I now have 110 solo blogs in my Google reader and listed on my sidebar. That’s an increase of thirty solo blogs since I published the last rankings five-six months ago in November 2008. Click on the image of the screen print below to go to the page and view the list with the hotlinks.
Although I noted several disclaimers at the bottom of the published list, I will include them here as well: This is an arbitrary list of some of my favorite solo blogs. It does not include LDS group blogs. The rankings are based on current Alexa rankings. Some blogs may not be strictly LDS. The top 3 are skewed due to their hosting site. All 9’s indicates that I recently added it.
How blogs are ranked
Look for the updated group blog rankings later this week. I classify a group blog as any LDS-themed blog with more than one contributor. In the list above, I have tried to only include those that are maintained exclusively by one person. It is not always possible to determine this so some may be in the wrong list. I move them around as I discover where they belong.
The top three are hosted on blog sites that include a whole bunch of other blogs. Alexa is unable to split out the individual blogs from these sites –, Beliefnet and BYU. That would make Seriously So Blessed the top LDS solo blog but I doubt that it really is just one person maintaining it and of course, it’s not a serious effort at sharing doctrine. But it sure is fun!
LDS Blog Aggregators
This is in no way a complete list. There are thousands of LDS or Mormon related blogs out there. You can find a lot of them listed at LDS Blogs, which is curiously found at the URL of A big Bloggernacle thanks to David Sundwall of A Soft Answer and Of Good Report who has been publishing this list as a service to LDS bloggers for many years.
You can find many more LDS blogs at Mormon Archipelago, also known as, Mormon Blogosphere, compiled by Dr. B of Mormon Mission. There are several other aggregators, one I especially recommend: Nothing Wavering. Another good one is the Blogregate at LDS Rankings rounds out the list. LDS Select seems to have disappeared.
A final note
Again, this is just my own list of LDS blogs that I follow, ranked by Alexa rankings. If you want to be added to the list, just let me know. I’ll add you as long as I find your content interesting, current and ranked in Alexa. If you are just starting and aren’t ranked yet, just give it time. You can read more about how to promote your LDS blog at this essay I wrote last year.
Hmm, down into the 60s from the 20s for my blog. Probably a good thing, I’m blogging less and that will help me keep drifting away.Interesting to see, especially as it helped me find a few more new blogs to read.
I run a blog that I would like to have included in 3.0 And I am also the subject of a blog post on Mormon Heretic (somewhere in the 20s on this list) so I should be getting enough hits on my blog to make #111.Thanks.
Stephen: Everybody’s rankings went down becasue I added so many new blogs to the list. If you take those away, the drop would not have been so dramatic. I think I’ve about reached my limit of the number of blogs that I can follow without overloading my brain.Morgan: Your blog must be new. It’s not ranked in Alexa yet. You can request that they add your blog in the user tools. I just need a raw number to add you to the list. By the way, I liked it. You’ve obviously done a lot of research over the years.
I’d appreciate it if you’d include my blog in your future study. Thanks.
Something is a little goofy about how Alexa ranks my “Mormon Insights.” I am currently ranked at 4,265,046, and it says my rank has gone down over two-million in the last three months, but in reality, my number of hits has more than tripled over that time. Somehow, I think Alexa has lost track of me. Oh well, that is not the reason I blog. Heehee.
Sorry, but here’s the deal: Alexa is worthless. Seriously. Don’t bother.
Unfortunately, the hosting service for had a major outage yesterday in the afternoon and evening. We’re back up now. Thanks!
Hi S. Faux. Alexa has been asked this quesiton many times. They have answered it in their blog. It is called The Long Tail. I have seen this in many other statistally-oriented analytical programs with large data sets, especially as the data set grows exponentially like blogs do.In short, whenever you have a large number of blogs with very little traffic and your blog is somewhere down in that list, it will jump around in the mllions from week to week. It is only when a site is in the upper 100,000 or so that the numbers really become meaningful to track.Hi Chino: Thanks for the advice. I tend to agree but have yet to find a better *FREE* analytical tool for determining rankings of websites and blogs. Do you have a recomendation for another tool either free or low cost? I would greatly appreciate a suggestion.
All About Mormons: I did not include your website in the list because my focus is more on blogs and specifically solo LDS bloggers. I love your site and have included it on my sidebar of LDS websites. I know you also have a blog but you also have so much more. You also have great traffic and content. I will be sure to include it on the list of LDS websites that I rank. I plan on publishing that right after I do the LDS group blogs. Thanks.J. Max Wilson: I removed the reference to the outage. I hate when that happens. I have very much enjoyed your list of LDS blogs and applaud your efforts to only include those that are faith-promoting. Thanks for the work.
Thanks Tim, I appreciate everything you do and thank you again for the link to Nothing Wavering.
Tim: Sadly, no. That said, if it were me, what I’d do is tell folks I was using my own proprietary algorithm to generate the rankings.And then do something silly like divide each site’s Alexa score by its Google Page Rank, and rank according to that result.
Interesting list. Thanks for the links to some really good blogs.
very interesting….