Remnant Movement

Stewardship Interview

When I was a Zone Leader on my mission (Central America 1976-1978), in addition to new member baptismal interviews, we were required to conduct stewardship interviews with the District Leaders. This was because the mission president, who was down in San Jose, Costa Rica, couldn’t make it to Managua, Nicaragua, or San Pedro Sula, Honduras […]

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Unity in Humanity

Visit the Facebook Page – Join the Meeting on Zoom I was updating my blogroll and noted several sites I visit regularly have listed the upcoming Unity in Humanity online Zoom conference scheduled for Saturday 22 October 2022. If you click on the image above, it will take you to the Zoom meeting page. There is

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Angel Moroni – Angel Nephi

I took occasion yesterday to read the paper “The Religion of the Fathers” in a slow and methodical fashion. It is sixty-nine pages, and I did not want to rush through it. I sat through four hours of listening as it was delivered a few weeks ago, now I wanted to read it to remember, confirm and verify the impressions I had when I first heard it but also to absorb the message more fully. Therefore, I sat still as I read, listening for the impressions of the spirit, seeking to know the Lord’s mind.

It took me six hours to read, ponder and look up many of the footnotes. It has the best defense of the Book of Abraham I have ever read. I had heard some of the history of the Egyptian dynasties explained before, but besides my own personal witness from the Lord that it is a valid record and is scripture, perhaps these three statements from the middle of the paper best conclude the matter for me that the opponents of the Book of Abraham have long been barking up the wrong tree.

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Answer to Prayer on Sealing

For the next few years, I am yet a captive of Babylon. So much of my time and energy is given in serving others each day. Sometimes, it is a challenge to not resent it, especially when I must deal with those who are accusatory or abusive. But it never fails, when I pause and say, “Why, Lord?” He responds, “so you will understand what it is like to be falsely accused and abused.” Translation: some folks resent IT people for not preventing their IT problems.

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The Heavens Are Open

“You, to be competent in teaching your children, must first have the Holy Ghost as your guide. Then, once you have that, you ought to have familiarity with the scriptures, just as Hyrum was told to first learn what was in them before trying to teach others. Then you are qualified to go and teach your children, and you have an obligation to do that. Children are the means to preserve Zion. Without the conversion of children, Zion has no chance of surviving.” (Denver Snuffer)

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Excommunicated Mormons

I took a few weeks recently to closely examine what I believe. I made a short, concise list of about forty relevant doctrines, principles and practices. I wanted to offer the list to kind and well-meaning folks who have asked how they could help me come back into the LDS faith. For the most part, there is a a lot of commonality in what we believe.

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General Conference April 2019 Sessions

No, this post isn’t about the LDS / Mormon General Conference to be held 6-7 April 2019 in Salt Lake City UT. This is about the Restoration General Conference to be held 19-21 April 2019 in Grand Junction CO. I know it’s a bit confusing to call it General Conference, but that’s how it is labeled when it gets into the archives. Perhaps it should be called the Temple Conference since that is the theme. This is about the Saturday breakout sessions.

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A Time of Reflection, Part Seven

Carol and I were first introduced to wine in the Sacrament in a fellowship meeting after one of the lectures in 2014. I think it was Las Vegas. We were invited by members of the Colorado fellowship to join with them to meet and talk about what we had received that day. To me, it was an amazing spiritual experience, and not because of the wine. I felt the sweet spirit of the Lord being poured out on this humble fellowship gathered that night.

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