Spring 2025 Conference – Add Sections to the Teachings and Commandments

I was pleased to receive the announcement from several sources about the upcoming Spring 2025 conference. I was especially pleased to learn of several sections to be added to the Teachings and Commandments. Although I had read them previously from other sources, I read them all again and pondered them after prayer. Here is a short summary:

  • SECTION 178 – 25 February 2022 – Why some people are taken and not healed; the role of suffering.
  • SECTION 179 – 7 August 2022 – Regarding forgiveness and how to stand boldly before the Lord.
  • SECTION 180 – 14 November 2022 – Receiving messages from the King through his faithful messenger.
  • SECTION 181 – 22 December 2023 – Why the original and modern English versions of the Book of Mormon.
  • SECTION 182 – 20 June 2024 – Inspired Prayer and Revelation on acceptance of the Covenant of Christ.
  • SECTION 183 – 27 October 2024 – Inspired Prayer on behalf of those who accepted the Covenant of Christ.
The Role of Suffering

I have thought much about these revelations and prayers. Proposed section 178 answers a long-standing question for me about suffering and why some people are taken from us when we have prayed for the restoration of their health. While we cannot fully judge, it helps to ponder the phrase that “the person is ready.”

In each Cycle of Creation, we come to learn certain things, to improve certain character attributes, and to further perfect ourselves. I am certain I am here to prove to myself and the Lord that I can choose a way of life that demonstrates faith in Christ, but illogical to those who choose to not believe Christ or to accept His gifts.

Like you, I live with weakness and am daily driven to Christ to be healed. For the past several years, with Carol at my side, I have participated each Sunday evening in an addiction recovery support group for those who have loved ones in recovery. Our son has made remarkable progress, but through suffering, so have we.

You Shall Not Place the Community at Peril

When I was still a member of the LDS Church, I sat in many member councils (formally called disciplinary councils) both on the ward and stake level over the years. It always pained me to see men brought to be judged of having broken the law of chastity, especially young men who endured difficult marriages where love was no longer present.

I cried with them when they were excommunicated, but even more so when they were rebaptized and had their blessings restored. On one occasion, a man was summoned, and chose to appear, knowing he would be excommunicated again for having committed adultery a second time. I did not think of the man as a predator, but as an addict.

Although he was excommunicated, he was not “cast out” or forbidden to join us in fellowship, yet he chose to withdraw himself. His wife filed for divorce, and continued faithful in the church, and I only heard about the man occasionally after that. I always wondered if he had reconciled himself with the Lord or had found the power to control himself.

To Stand Boldly Before the Lord

In the proposed section 179, the phase is used “to stand boldly before the Lord.” This is actually a quote from Answer to Prayer for Covenant (last sentence of 157:49). If you review the whole verse, you’ll note that it references our countenances and feeling shame instead of confidence when we enter into the presence of the Lord. I want to focus on that.

In our stake, we have two meetings each Sunday night for two very specific groups. The first is for those who are addicts struggling with recovery and the other is for family members of those addicts. We do not use the official addiction recovery guide published by the church but a version published by the Healing Through Christ foundation.

Carol and I have gone through the book probably six or seven times in the past two or three years. Each meeting concludes with a sharing time where participants share heart-felt thoughts and feelings about their own recovery from co-addiction and the healing they feel from Christ as they apply the steps and receive the cleansing power of forgiveness.

Receive Messages from the King

In the proposed section 180, the phrase “stammering servant” is not used but it came to mind as I re-read it last night. Have you ever been asked to make a presentation to a group and found yourself ill at ease or uncomfortable? In the LDS Church and in the fellowships, we tend to write our talks out in advance to help us feel more comfortable.

Perhaps we think of the words of Moses who expressed his reluctance to lead the Israelites out of Egypt when he said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” The hope is that we will focus on the message delivered and not on the servant.

If we waited until we were perfect at delivering the Word of the Lord, none of us would ever undertake the responsibility. When I served on the High Council, I was sometimes asked to share my notes after my delivery. I did that only once, because what I said at the pulpit was never exactly the same as what I had written out as I prepared.

Modern English Version of the Book of Mormon

I was so pleased when I learned that the modern English version of the Book of Mormon had been completed. I have related previously how I read the Book of Mormon for the first time at age five with my mother, an English teacher, who was reading it aloud with me for the first time. She struggled with the King Jamesian language. I just accepted it.

When I completed reading the Covenant of Christ I knelt down and thanked my Heavenly Father for the work. Immediately, an image of my mother laughing came to mind. I smiled as I thought of her and wished she could have read this version with me. I knew the Lord had worked with those who brought forth The Covenant of Christ.

Proposed Section 181 helps us understand the reason for the two versions, one for Joseph’s day and one for our day. Our language has changed. We speak differently. “There is as much Divine attention and assistance in getting this new version completed as before.” Think about that. Let it sink in. The Lord has worked years on this new version.

I Labored Alongside You in This Work

“I labored alongside you in this work. My word is truth. My word is spirit. As you worked with the text I gave you my word and it is to be kept as it was given. My word carries with it the power of truth, and you are not called to alter it, but are to defend it.” This quote is found in proposed section 182, the revelation on the acceptance of the book.

I can’t adequately express the feelings that came into my heart as I prayed about this specific statement when I first heard and read it. I was already in a state of wonder and awe as I realized with surprise what had transpired earlier that day. I had an image come to mind of the Workers in the Vineyard, as found in Matthew 20:1–16.

As I previously wrote here, “I express my gratitude to the current dispensation head who has now both labored diligently and has stated he will stand to defend the work that has come forth. I rejoice to be the recipient of this labor and appreciate the servant who has accepted his calling to answer for what has been done in the name of the Lord.”

Prayer for Those Who Accepted Covenant of Christ

I could write a whole post analyzing proposed section 183. Here in a bullet point format are some phrases just from the first paragraph:

  • Pour out upon them Your spirit
  • Increase the light by which they view (see)
  • The events in this dispensation
  • The challenges that they face in life
  • The choices that they have to make

And from the second paragraph:

  • I ask that Your voice get louder
  • That it increase in clarity
  • That the understanding of these people increase
  • That they have Your blessing
  • Your guidance
  • Your voice to be with [them]
  • Guide [them]
  • And always accompany them

Would love to hear Denver elaborate on these points:

  • We face peril at this point
  • Your voice is essential to survival
  • Throughout the coming days and trials
  • That they may rise up
  • That we be gathered
  • It’s You that they serve and no one else

Will we be gathered? Will I? Where? When? What must happen first? What are the signs? Are they coming to pass? In this generation? How long is this generation? Will I live to be a part of this? Will my family want to join me? Will I be worthy to be part of the gathering? Is this a literal gathering to a place? To Zion? To meet the Lord?

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Click on text for larger image
You Are Invited to the Spring 2025 Conference

As always, the conferences are organized and administered by volunteers. They absorb the costs. You are welcome to contribute. I have not been able to attend a conference in years but have read the proceedings of each conference very carefully. Thank you to those who record, stream, transcribe or otherwise publish the conferences.

Think of the people all over the world who watch these proceedings with interest. I have readers in Australia, New Zealand, England, and many other places who, like me, participate from afar. We have accepted the Covenant of Christ and are anxiously awaiting word of the day when a place will be designated to gather and prepare.

We are invited to prepare for the conference by reading, studying, pondering, and praying about the Sermon at the Temple. Click on the link and notice the two versions side by side. Isn’t this an amazing thing to have the modern English version right next to the original? May we each be recipients of the promised blessings in the servant’s prayer.