Let It Work Upon Your Mind

I continue to ponder temples, sealing power, and ordinances. Ruth over at Be One LDS (aka I Glory In My Jesus) added much to this subject recently. I’ll share a few thoughts on the recent temple announcements by President Nelson, then move on to what I really want to write. Our good friend and former home teacher has a standing offer to take Carol to the temple each week. Due to health issues, she had not been in many months. She was concerned about that and made it a matter of prayer. What should she do?

Watching General Conference Together

As we watched General Conference together, each with our own prayer in our hearts for questions we hoped to have answered, Carol determined that her prayer was answered by President Nelson’s answer to his own question: “Why are we building temples at such an unprecedented pace? Why? Because the Lord has instructed us to do so. The blessings of the temple help to gather Israel on both sides of the veil. These blessings also help to prepare a people who will help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord!”

Attending the Los Angeles Temple

In spite of painful, swollen knees, Carol went to the temple last Friday. She came back with gratitude for the peace she said she felt there. Yesterday, in testimony meeting she expressed some of that gratitude. She also shared some specific examples in which she felt the peace of the spirit comforting her. She said she felt the Lord was pleased by her effort to get back to the temple despite the physical pain and discomfort. I have no doubt He was pleased by her effort. I am grateful she made the decision to make the effort to go to the temple again.

My Thoughts On President Nelson’s Message

I had a completely different thought process as I listened to what President Nelson had to say in his message at General Conference. When he said the Lord had instructed them to build all these temples, I immediately thought to myself, “Where? In what specific scripture did the Lord say to build so many of these so very expensive buildings? Or, is he simply claiming he has received revelation that has not been presented to the members of the LDS church for a vote of acceptance?” The whole concept of common consent came to mind (D&C 26:2).

Common Consent in the LDS Church

I think the LDS church has misconstrued or misinterpreted the idea of common consent over the years since Joseph received this revelation in July of 1830. The way I have heard it explained is, “We sustain leaders who are called by the spirit of revelation. Once they are sustained, we are bound to obey them and do as they say.” Maybe I’ve summarized it a little harshly, but that is what I perceive most members believe. I disagree with this interpretation of common consent. Yet, this is the way it operates in the LDS church. You simply can’t oppose.

Covenant of Christ Conference

Compare that to the process we are going through as we vote on the Covenant of Christ in the upcoming conference “Obtain a New Heart” Oct 25-27 2024.  In fact, Peter J Brown will be discussing this very subject “Voice of the People” in the next online meeting this Sunday night (20 Oct 2024) at 7pm MST. As it has been explained, “It requires a majority vote. This is different from the definition of ‘mutual consent’ and therefore if a majority votes either in favor or against the acceptance, that will define what will be done about Covenant of Christ, and will inform the Lord of our willingness or unwillingness to accept the text as His covenant language for our use.”

Faith Is Working By Mental Exertion

This phrase (Let It Work Upon Your Mind) came to me as I was preparing for church Sunday. I have started to read The Covenant of Christ again, which I knew I wanted to do before the conference. I am reading the paperback edition this time, marking it up as I go. I need this blessing of immersing myself in the Word of the Lord. It’s getting harder and harder to live “apart” from this world. The stuff of this world has a way of contaminating us if we’re not careful. We must “watch and pray always” to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.

A Firm Mind And a Sound Understanding

I want a “firm mind” and a sound understanding of the things of God. I need the Light of Christ to illuminate my mind. I desire to have my spirit made holy through letting the Word of God work upon my mind. I do not want to grow weary in my mind and faint, which means I must know that the course I am pursuing is according to the will of God. I get that confirming witness in prayer and in partaking of the sacrament each week or whenever possible. I prepare by focusing my mind on the Covenant of Christ for extended periods of time.

The Peace of the Temple at Home

I thought of the many times I sat in the temple and let my mind be at peace, not thinking of the things of the world. We can have that peace even when we’re not in the temple or in the chapel, but at all times and in all places, if we work on it. When a man works by faith, he works by mental exertion. But something has to exert itself on the mind. That something is the Light of Christ, the Spirit, or the Word of God. And that is why I am reading the Covenant of Christ again. To me, it represents the word of the Lord to me in my day, written for my generation.

The Stake President’s Invitation

I mentioned in a previous post I had met with our Stake President at his invitation. After a half hour of listening to me tell my story (at his request) he asked if I wanted to “receive all the blessings of the temple.” I don’t think he knew what else to say. I also don’t think he had ever heard a story like mine – someone who did not believe the sealing power had been passed from Joseph to Brigham. I know what he was trying to say, that my eternal salvation was in jeopardy unless I was baptized and petitioned the First Presidency to have my temple blessings restored.

The Keys Are Greatly Misunderstood

I continue to see this, what I consider to be the most critical issue to be decided by anyone who studies LDS church history, from both sides. For most people I know who continue to attend church each week, it is a non-issue. They accept the official narrative that Brigham received the “Keys of the Kingdom” including the sealing power from Joseph Smith, and that it has been passed on to each succeeding president of the LDS Church over the years and will continue to be found in the Quorum of the Twelve upon the death of President Nelson.

Not Everyone With Questions is an Apostate

I get it. I felt and believed the same way for most of my life. If you’re an orthodox, faithful, believing member of the LDS Church and happen to read this post, how do you respond to someone like me? Tell me to repent? Tell me to pray for an answer? Tell me to “get with the program?” Would it be your advice that I “get over it?” Like I say, I get it. Those are some of the things that I used to say when we discussed people like me in our bishopric meetings. Or do you just dismiss me as an apostate, skip on to the next hit on your Google search or whatever brought you to my blog today?

Covenant of Christ - the book

Let It Work Upon Your Mind

I’m going to finish reading the Covenant of Christ again over the next few weeks. It’s not an easy task. The book is 500 pages. It took me 16 hours to read it in July spread out over four weekends. I’m going to try to read it every day, perhaps not so much at one time. I want to digest it, ponder it, think about it and ask the questions, “why is this worded differently?” and “does it make more sense in the modern English?” I want to let it work upon my mind. To me, it is evidence that the Lord is offering something new in our day through a servant He has called and asked to do this work.

A Heritage For Coming Generations

I get what President Nelson is doing. He will be remembered as being the LDS prophet who announced more temples than anyone else. I don’t know why, but for some reason I think of the fulfillment of Book of Mormon prophecy found in in 2 Ne 28:13 – “They rob the poor because of their fine sanctuaries,” and Mormon 8:37 – “Ye do love the adorning of your churches …” Please don’t read this as criticism of faithful members of the LDS church who love the temples. It’s just an observation.

A Member of the Heavenly Council on Earth

The covenant being offered through the modern English version of the Book of Mormon is different from the covenant that was offered in Joseph’s time with the old King Jamesian language. By accepting this covenant, we are accepting the conduit, or the servant, the messenger, Denver, as being a member of the heavenly council, the Holy Order of God here on earth. That is a profound thought, and an astonishing opportunity that I don’t take lightly. Let that work upon your mind.

2 thoughts on “Let It Work Upon Your Mind”

  1. I have loved reading the Covenant of Christ! The wording is very clear and I hear the Spirit speak to me quicker and more powerfully. It seems I wrestle less with the wording and get more of the meaning. I also enjoy the clearer wording in so many passages. It’s like reading it from a different point of view. I have reread many parts and also plan on now reading it again in more depth and taking my time.

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