“The death cult now meeting in Chicago continues their war against children, encouraging the slaughter of the unborn. To interfere with God’s plan for mankind to bear children to replenish the earth, they offer free vasectomies and abortions during their national celebration of the power to destroy life. Interestingly, their convention’s first day repeatedly celebrated and encouraged killing unborn children as part of their appeal for continuing political power. They believe the voice of the people will sustain this continuing slaughter by voting to elect their death cult into office.”
Source: https://denversnuffer.com/2024/08/discuss-covenant-of-christ-part-7/
I have nothing more to add … Read the full text in the link.
Lest we fool ourselves into thinking this is an endorsement of Trump on the part of Denver, let us consider:
The playbook of a “Dictator on Day 1”:
“When the leader of one faction wanted to violently overthrow his opponent, it required him to dehumanize his target, and stir up anger to motivate violence”
Trump’s behavior, involvement with the Epstein sex cult, etc. etc.
“I reject polygamy, immorality, adultery and sexual deviancy in any form. Anyone who claims I have not been clear on that is deceiving themselves and misleading others.”
The lesser of two evils is still evil.