Continuing the tradition of holding regular General Conferences, a new conference for the Spring of 2019 has been proposed and the website construction has begun. Each General Conference has historical significance and typically, a theme. This one is no different. The theme is “A Hope in Christ: The Temple.” By now, you’ve probably figured out I’m not referring to General Conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Note, I’m being careful to refer to the Church by the full name as requested by President Nelson. And although I’m not a lawyer, I did some due diligence checking to ensure the phrase “General Conference” is not copyrighted by Intellectual Reserve Inc. It’s not.
Fall 2018 General Conference
I don’t want to take away from the focus on the upcoming Fall 2018 General Conference to be held at the end of this month, September 28th through the 30th, in Layton, Utah. A lot of planning and preparation has gone into this upcoming conference. I invite you to visit that website to get more information about this also historic event. I consider it historic because, as far as I know, other than a few Regional Conferences, this is the first General Conference to be held in the heart of the Mormon Corridor. Yes, there have been General Conferences in Boise Idaho and in Phoenix Arizona, but those are at the top and bottom of the corridor. This one is organized by the combined Wasatch Fellowships and will take place in the Davis Conference Center.
The Covenant of Christ: One Year Later
Someone made a video commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Covenant of Christ Conference held last September (2017) in Boise. I’ve expressed it previously, but I want to share again how grateful I am to have been able to participate in the conference from my own home via the Internet broadcast. I have reviewed many times the covenant I took upon myself on that Sunday over a year ago. The Prayer for the Covenant touched me deeply as did the Answer and Covenant itself. I’ve thought often how I can best keep that covenant. “Do the Work” comes to mind every time I re-read the promised blessings of that covenant. I have felt a distinct change in my heart as I seek to be more Christ-like in my daily interactions with others. I have found the Lord sends people to me with whom I can share His love and help them come unto Christ.
The Tradition Continues
A General Conference is more than a tradition. It is a commandment to “meet in conference … from time to time” for the purpose of conducting business and, more importantly, to edify, instruct and uplift one another as directed by the spirit of the Lord. I have fond memories of attending the Cedaredge Colorado regional conference back in May of 2015. I suppose, for me, it was more of a reunion as I met once again with friends I first met online and then at some of the lectures from the 40 Years in Mormonism Lectures of 2013 and 2014. I had been baptized less than a year earlier and felt it important to resign my membership from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Being in California, where there are few who believe as I do, the year after my resignation and baptism was difficult. At the Cedaredge conference, I spent much time in the home of a friend where I was greatly uplifted and edified by the kindness and shared moments of worship in the presence of the Comforter. I hope I can make it back there next year.
Looking Forward With Faith
I remained convinced, through many years of study and personal revelation that Denver is telling the truth and teaching what the Lord wants us to hear in our day. I studied the teachings he shared for many years before I took action by being baptized. On September 21st, four years will have passed since I was baptized. I continue to be amazed at what the Lord is willing to reveal and share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Tradition can be a good thing, but it can also stand in the way of moving forward in faith. I will never agree with those who judged me as “looking beyond the mark.” That mark is Christ. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, NOT of Denver Snuffer. Yet, the Lord has made it clear, at least to me, He is conducting His strange work of the Last Days through His Servant. Our work is to study the teachings being shared and to then ask the Lord what He would have us do about what we are learning. I’ve shared it before, but perhaps my story will help:
The Tim Malone Story – a short video answering questions about why I took the course of action I did after a lifetime in the LDS Church (with apologies to President Nelson for not using the full name of the Mormon Church) – oops, I did it again.
Tim, Here is the email below to Denver. May, even June could be option depending on Denver’s schedule. Guess he has lots of court issues. The site does look great. Loved your post. Adrian already responded and said he would be excited to help. Thanks again, praying we can do what is best. Brian
Email to Denver
Denver, Hope all is well with you and your family. A few of us in the Cedaredge area have been pondering upon the Temple and the upcoming conference. In particular, we feel there is a need for General Conference with a focus on the Temple. We are meeting as fellowship and many from Cedaredge and the Delta and Montrose area will be working together. There will also be support from the greater movement in general, and some may be involved in speaking and other activities. Though we don’t know yet exactly how many will be assisting in this, regardless we have sufficient to move ahead with a conference. There are two working titles…If you like any one in particular please let us know. This came from your post on “Why a temple”. The titles are as follows, in order of what is currently favored. The intent of these titles is to focus the conversations in the coming months on the need for preparing for and supporting the effort of building a temple, the importance of a temple in turning the hearts of the children to the Fathers, and understanding how the Temple would be part of teaching and bringing people into Zion. A Hope in Christ, the Temple Conference The Temple: Obtaining a Hope in Christ Conference. It’s also felt there would be other reasons manifested in the coming months that may affect what “business” or tasks that need to be accomplished. I did speak with Keith and Elaine, and are thinking of one of the people from the Temple Fund speaking. Taking from other conferences experiences we are going to be patient and not fill the program too quickly. There are several ideas on table, and we again expect some more items to present themselves as we progress. We are considering the weekend of April 20th and 21st.This would allow for decent weather in the areas mentioned, though the mountains including the Mesa would still have snow. It would be similar to Moab in temperature. Coincidentally Passover begins that weekend. Other dates in consideration are April 27th and 28th.
SO, what do we ask of you? Would you be willing and able to speak then? We at least plan on having you speak Sunday. And would you look at both weekends as possibilities as we still are looking at venues. We hate to impose to much as we understand you are very busy in the work and in just trying to make a living. Yet, if it’s possible to have an answer in the next week it would be helpful in being able to announce at the General Conference in a few weeks. I have spoken with the conference organizers and they would be happy to allow us to announce it. No other groups have stepped forward. Again, our prayers are for the Lords purposes to move forward, and that we can do our part in assisting in the work of the restoration. Sincerely, Brian Bowler, Cedaredge Fellowship, and others in the movement.
Hey Brian…thanks for sharing the letter. I’ve adjusted the wording on the site to reflect an open date of simply “late spring of 2019.” Last time I was up there it was early spring (May 2015) and there was plenty of snow up on the mesa. So the later in the season the better, in my opinion. I’m confident it will work out the way that is best for all involved.