I don’t live in Utah so I’m not used to hearing stories like this: My niece married later in life, and now has two lovely stepdaughters. Someone among the friends of the girls was having a birthday party but these two girls were not invited even though they play with the same group of girls or see them every day in school. The reason for excluding them? “Because you don’t go to church.”
Amazing. Does such judgement really exist among the hearts of the Latter-day Saints in Utah County? You know the girls obviously learned it from their parents. What a tragedy. Today, being Fast Sunday, I experienced a small taste of that exclusive attitude that permeates the LDS Church, even here where I live in Camarillo. Please understand I’m not blaming my local bishop.
When I resigned from the LDS Church last year I pointed out that according to the handbook I could now partake of the sacrament, whereas I had previously been forbidden to do so because the Bishop had restricted me due to apostasy. I made it clear I felt this was anti-Christ when I submitted my resignation papers. It was a key component as to why I had resigned at that time.
The Handbook Takes Precedence
With the change in Bishopric earlier this year I asked the new Bishop how he would feel about me bearing my testimony of the Savior, the prophet Joseph or the Book of Mormon from time to time. He said he would think about it. Today, he made it clear he would not allow it, even though all my life I have witnessed those investigating the Church [non-LDS] stand up and speak freely.
The citation is found on page 141 (2010) of handbook 2 which reads, “After the Sacrament, the Bishopric member conducting the meeting … then invites members to bear … testimonies.” He said he was going to have to stick to the handbook even though I had assured him I would limit my testimony to the Prophet Joseph, the Book of Mormon and my feelings about the Savior.
Again, please don’t assume I’m blaming my bishop for anything. The idea of marriage to the handbook is ingrained in “bishops-in-training” from the time they attend their first priesthood leadership meeting, usually as an Elder’s Quorum secretary or counselor. I never noticed just how powerful this indoctrination really is. It also permeated my service on the High Council.
No Apostates Allowed to Speak
Yet a person who is not a member of the LDS Church is not prohibited from partaking of the sacred ordinances of the Sacrament. On page 173 of handbook 2 (2010) we read, “Although the sacrament is for Church members, the bishopric should not announce that it will be passed to members only, and nothing should be done to prevent nonmembers from partaking of it.”
Isn’t it strange that what should be a decision made under careful consideration because the Savior so commanded, is relegated to one-line dismissal in the Church handbook, while one of the most important things a person can do to engender and encourage faith in others – to bear testimony of Christ – is prohibited out of fear that person might share something controversial?
When I first resigned we were preparing for the ward and stake Christmas programs, to which I have always enjoyed contributing each year. I was asked to not participate last year, which I thought rather odd, especially when we were always asking everyone to invite their friends and neighbors who were not members of the Church, to join us. The restriction was later rescinded.
Obtaining Power Directly From God
When I was first introduced to the writings of Denver Snuffer by a former bishop who simply asked what I thought about “Passing the Heavenly Gift”, I posted my intention to read the book. One individual offered his assessments of the man with the following, “He doesn’t believe Joseph passed the priesthood keys on to anyone. He says they can only be obtained from God.”
I always thought that curious. This individual obviously felt there was something wrong with the way God controlled His priesthood power among men. If I remember correctly, Joseph taught that ALL prophets after Moses obtained the higher priesthood directly from God Himself. This has been a large portion of my study over the past few years – how power from God is obtained.
I have been asked – politely – by several people just how exactly I now differ in my religious beliefs. I assume they ask this so they can be careful with what kind of questions they ask me. I don’t know or understand why people are afraid of offending me. The one who did this the best was my high priest group leader (at the time). I love and appreciate him for his tactful manner.
Common Ground for Conversation
In order to make it easy for those who ask me the question in the future, I’ll refer them to this essay. Maybe that will save them some time or potential embarrassment at having to ask the question. They see me attending church each Sunday – at least Sacrament meeting – as well as choir practice and ward socials. There’s always that slight awkward feeling of “what do I say?”
It reminds me of the three commandments of missionary work – steer the conversation toward religion, don’t talk about politics and for heaven’s sake, never ask a woman if she’s pregnant. Here are a few subjects that we might find mutually interesting: 1) Something new you learned about Joseph Smith. 2) Some new aspect of doctrine that came up in your personal gospel study.
3) If you feel daring, perhaps we could discuss something from the Church Handbook, but, of course, that only works if you serve in a priesthood leadership position. Funny how that works. Members of the LDS Church are judged by what’s in the Church Handbook over and above what is found in the scriptures, yet they do not have access to this super-secret book. Why is that so?
Deep Knowledge of the Atonement
You’re always safe to bring up something about the Savior. I love to talk about the Lord. But I don’t like platitudes which we seem to get so much of at church each week. Perhaps you could take a few minutes and read the chapter on the Atonement as found in the book, “Come, Let us Adore Him,” unless you feel it’s against your temple covenants to read anything but the Ensign.
In there you will learn how the Atonement came in waves – each one stronger than the previous. You might also learn the waves came in pairs. The Savior first experienced the feelings, guilt and suffering that those who commit the offense must endure because of their sins. The second wave imposed the suffering of those who are victim of these offenses. Now you know how it worked.
Please don’t be as the Pharisees who asked by what authority this knowledge is proclaimed. All truth contains its own authority. Don’t say, “Why, this isn’t taught by our modern day prophets and apostles, therefore I won’t accept or believe it.” Why is it so hard to believe that God could send another witness of his divinity and his mission in our day just as He did in sending Joseph?
What Do You Think Of Denver’s Latest Book?
I thought I was done with my blog. For eight years I wrote over 500 posts on the LDS Religion. At first, I did my best to defend the orthodoxy with which I grew up. Sadly, I was taken to task by many who did not like my version of orthodoxy. I began to dig deeper, I prayed with greater intent to understand what about our religion was important and exactly on what I should focus.
I don’t know if my former bishop (the one with whom I served as a counselor) feels he is an answer to my prayers, but there is no doubt in my mind the Lord sent him to me with that one simple question in the temple that day. I’m sure he doesn’t condone my action in resigning from the Church, but I continue to thank the Lord He had the courage to ask me that question that day:
“What do you think about Denver’s latest book?” My response ended the conversation. The Bishop walked away or someone else caught his attention, but that question stayed with me, along with my response, “Denver who?” For weeks the Lord kept bringing the name to my mind. I didn’t even know his last name. I now ask you: “What do you think of Denver’s latest book?”
Your post recapitulates an old and famous conflict, a conflict played out on the streets of Jerusalem. It is a conflict between the word of God, literally God’s word to men and “the tradition of the elders”, or in other words the ideas of the guys in charge. Which is more important to you? Which one do you accept as most valid?
1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,
2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. (The Pharisees want to know why Jesus and his followers don’t follow the ideas of the guys in charge, because those ideas have been elevated to policy)
3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? (Jesus thinks God’s commandments are all important and the traditions of men are not in the same league as God’s commands)
4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
Jesus was condemning the general practice of the Pharisees of bypassing God’s laws and substituting them with their own traditions through gifts (Corban- see Mark 7:11) . A man would gift or dedicate something (say land) he owned to God and thereafter the thing was exempt from tithing, offerings or the obligation to support his mother or father by selling the land. He could say to Mom and Pop, I’d love to help but the only thing I could sell to pay for your cancer surgery is my land and I’ve dedicated that to God so it’s off limits.
This practice was common among the Jews. It was not Gods idea but mans, namely, the rabbis. The Pharisees would release by their own power a child from supporting his parents. Amazingly, these religious leaders would deem it sacrilege if such a person afterwards decided to go ahead and support those who gave birth to him. Continuing Jesus comment…
6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15
So, do you hold the commandments of God, his word, to be of great worth and the ideas of men to be, well just a man’s idea? Do you mislabel a mans idea as the word of God? Or do you believe that the commandments of men, I.e. The Church handbooks, or the statements of Presidents , the words of general authorities to equal weight or even supersede those of God? If so, you might be a modern day Pharisee.
Here’s a short quiz to check out your pharisaint quotient.
1- When Elder Ballard recently said, “we can’t lead you astray” did you accept his commentary as gospel truth or do you compare that idea with the word of The Lord.
2- do you accept Christ’s word on the Word of Wisdom “not given by way of commandment or constraint” or do accept the commentaries of men that it is now a commandment.
3- do you accept Christ’s commandment that we baptize all who repent or do you side with the new policy of denying baptism to polygamists and homosexuals children?
4- do you reject the idea of wine for the sacrament (Gods word to men) ( and the practice of the Mormon church through the first six presidents) or trust Gods word on the matter.
It all boils down to what is the word of God? And when are the sayings of scribes, leaders, apostles and presidents God’s word and when is it the commentaries of men? That question must be answered privately by every man and woman and salvation hinges on getting the answer right.
Mr. Ebenezer Ryder
Many of us are very happy to have you posting again. As always, your posts are thought provoking, interesting and get to an important point.
Keep up the good work! Sorry some in the church shun those to whom they should extend love and great courtesy and do all in their power to “reclaim” them. Much love dear brother.
p.s. GREAT comment by Mr. Ryder!
James Russell Uhl
Denver’s latest book? Scripture! And that didn’t come by way of a “warm and fuzzy” or an “impression”, but words, from the Lord to me!
We had a similar experience several years ago. We moved to Orem, Utah with our 7 year old son and the neighbors soon told us not to let him to play with the boy across the street because “he was not a member.” Of course, we paid no attention and the two boys became very good friends and latter included “member” kids. Just don’t let “Utah Mormons” get in the way of what’s best.
You wrote, “I continue to thank the Lord He had the courage to ask me that question that day.”
I can’t quite tell if you typed “He” because you believe the Lord was speaking through me, or that was simply a typo (I am striving to become a “He,” but I’m still just a “he”) . . . Hee hee 🙂
I will confirm that my question was premeditated, and not casual or accidental.