I think I’m getting excited about blogging again. When I started back in 2007 I did a lot of work to promote this thing. I registered with all the appropriate sites. I left comments on numerous other sites similar to mine. I made sure I stuck to my three themes so my readers would know what to expect: Mormonism, Sexuality and the Last Days. I have only made one major subject change: LDS Book Reviews – both new and old.
My Review of Visions of Glory
I am amazed at the number of book reviews I have written over the years. I don’t know why I’m not more active on Goodreads. Maybe it’s because I like writing longer reviews. If I could figure out an easy way, someday I might transfer them over. What’s surprising is how popular they are. I’m especially pleased by the longevity of my review of Visions of Glory – now six months as my most popular post and still in the #1 spot.
Studying Doctrine has Become Rare
I’ll bet Cedar Fort is extremely pleased with the performance of the book. I also think they were extremely surprised. I’ll bet Deseret Book was even more surprised. If you’ve been watching what Deseret Book sells over the years, you will have noticed how much fluff and stuff it has become. It became rarer and rarer to find a book about doctrine. What’s the matter with us? Don’t we study the gospel anymore?
Feminist Mormon Housewives
Deseret Book knows that women buy books. Take this as a sexist remark if you like, but most LDS women I know don’t care to study doctrine as much as they like to talk about the social aspects of the church. Thank you Feminist Mormon Housewives. I love you for how you have connected the women of the church in ways the leaders of the Relief Society never imagined it could or would ever be.
Dropped by the Bloggernacle
I was recently dropped by LDSBlogs so I’m not too concerned that the important LDS bloggers will see this post. I am officially no longer a part of LDSBlogs or the Mormon Archipelago: Gateway to the Bloggernacle. Must have been something I wrote to tick them off. Who knows? I still have a small smattering of loyal readers (150-200) who are just as interested in some of the topics I write about regularly.
Catastrophic Changes Coming
I still write about the Signs of the Times and will continue to do so, especially as they become more obvious. I can’t wait for the day when the first of the prophesied apocalyptic catastrophes comes to pass. Folks, we haven’t begun to see what the Lord has in mind when he warns us about earthquakes in divers places, the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds or the increase of blatant evil and wickedness.
Study Signs of the Last Days
The kind of stuff the Lord is talking about in the scriptures only happens when the planets get knocked out of their orbits and start careening across the sky. Don’t doubt that it will happen because it has happened many times before, just not in the collective memory of anybody we know. But the prophets recorded it. It happened in their day and it will happen again in ours. But do we study the signs?
Abomination of Desolation
Has anybody bothered to figure out what Abomination of Desolation really means and especially what it means to see it in the Holy Place? The Supreme Court of the United States just set the last piece of that puzzle into motion. It won’t be many more years now. I’m beginning to think that some of the cataclysmic things the prophets tried to warn us about will come in my lifetime after all. It will be sad because the day of warning will then be past. My blog and every other piece of electronic gadgetry will be history.
Visited by the Angels
I recognize the tenor of this post is a little unusual for me. I normally try to be about as humble as I know how to be so as to not offend. I also recognize I’m in the minority – an orthodox conservative LDS blogger who entertains the published ideas from a man who claims to have seen the Lord. That’s a controversial subject. Even the men we sustain as the leaders of our church don’t talk about that. It’s just too sacred, right?
The Last Effort to Gather
I think the time has come that the Lord is gathering the elect in ways that are different from what we were raised to believe. The missionary effort of the LDS Church just kicked into high gear. I have no doubt we will see tremendous results over the next few years. But I refer to another kind of gathering – a spiritual gathering – that is different from the converts brought in by the huge number of missionaries we will shortly have.
Gathered by the Angels
The scriptures tell us that the elect will be gathered by the angels, not just the missionaries. The Lord is hastening His work in asking more of those who have been ordained to the priesthood. The endowed have been invited to come into the presence of the Lord. I am hearing more and more private stories of those who are being prepared by angels to come into the presence of the Lord and receive the rest of what we have been promised.
What to Expect Going Forward
This particular post is in response to a brand new reader who called and asked which of my posts he should read so he could get to know me better. I’ll make a list below that I hope will be helpful. But I think if you just remember my focus is on three things, you’ll know what to expect if you choose to follow my blog: 1) The Catastrophist movement and the Electric Universe 2) What the scriptures teach about the signs of the last days. Look for those signs in the heavens. 3) How to be personally prepared – prepared by the angels to be taught directly by the Lord.
Some of my Favorite Blog Posts
01. About Me – I’m about as open as I know how to be in this blog.
02. Visions of Glory – My review of the last book of John Pontius.
03. Near Death Experiences and Me – Yes, I had an NDE in my youth.
04. Conquering Spiritual Evil – My Review of Doug Mendenhall’s book.
05. Excommunicated for Priestcraft – This should never have happened.
06. Born That Way – Where I first proposed possession by evil spirits.
07. The Unquiet Dead – More evidence of opposite sex spirit possession.
08. And the Moon Shall Turn to Blood – Review of Anthony Larson’s book.
09. Eternal Lives, Past Live and Reincarnation – Still a controversial topic.
10. The Adam-God Theory – This is what I believe and I’m sticking to it.
11. Ten Signs of the Second Coming – These are straight from the scriptures.
12. A New Star Will Soon Shine Forth – Commentary on Denver’s final post.
13. You Have Been Here Before – Review of Dr. Fiore’s first amazing book.
14. Remembering the Covenant – A list of most of my posts on Denver Snuffer.
15. The top 50 most viewed essays – A good list from way back in Sep of 2011.
A Few Upcoming Essays
I’m currently reading Blake Ostler’s Fire on the Horizon. I’m going to the temple tomorrow to ponder the most important thing I have learned from his book so far – how to build a relationship with God that involves the “I-Thou” paradigm. I can’t explain it in one paragraph but hope to write a review of this wonderful book on the Atonement and the Endowment recently published. It has made all the difference in the world in how I see myself interacting with others and God.
The Mind of God
I also read a book from a reader who claimed to have seen God and was given the book through revelation. As I’ve said before, not many people have made this kind of claim so when someone tells me they have seen the Lord, I pay close attention to what they say or write. The Book is called “The Mind of God” and contains some amazing details of just how synchronicity works. I told him I wouldn’t write a review but I’ve changed my mind. I have been pondering it much lately. I think it needs wider exposure.
Clean Hands, Pure Heart
I’m also reading Clean Hands, Pure Heart by Philip A. Harrison. I’ve read a lot of books on the subject of Overcoming Addiction to Pornography. As I’ve mentioned in several previous blogs, I never really got over the effects of this youthful habit. I think I got some bad advice from a bishop way back before my mission when he gave me my Temple Recommend. I wrote about a paper from a reader in a previous essay. He tells me of a book that will help me overcome the false understandings of why I never felt truly forgiven. I thank my reader Greg Nelson for sharing.
He Restoreth My Soul
Update (7-12-13): The book I described above was not the one recommended by my friend Greg from my previous post. In his essay he refers to He Restoreth My Soul by Donald L. Hilton, Jr, MD, which I just received from Deseret Book today. Sadly, I don’t think they sent me the latest version. I see on the Amazon listing there is a third edition. Mine is simply labeled “revised edition.” Hmmm… If you don’t hear from me for awhile it’s because I’ve got a lot of reading projects going on right now, besides work, family, church. Just like you, I lead a normal life.
What This Blog is About
So there you have it – what this blog is all about. It’s my catalyst to study the gospel. I don’t shy away from controversial subjects including pornography, masturbation, possession by unclean and evil spirits, and the fact that Satan is trying to destroy the brethren of the priesthood today. For me, writing helps. If it offends you, don’t read my stuff. I try to be uplifting and faithful to the teachings of the LDS Church but you’ll have to be the judge of that yourself. God bless.
Sadly, I have to agree with your comment that “most LDS women I know don’t care to study doctrine as much as they like to talk about the social aspects of the church”….and I happen to be a 56 year old LDS woman. I have always been interested in the deeper doctrines of the restored gospel and have studied it intensively since I was a young teen. Unfortunately, I’ve met very few women who are as interested in doctrine as myself (although I known many very good women). I have always felt somewhat of an outsider inside the church. And I’m sorry to say that I’ve never really enjoyed Relief Society because of the social focus.
I’m glad I found your blog, since I’ve read many of the books you review and have been studying the prophecies of the last days all of my life. My heart’s desire is to receive the Second Comforter face to face before I die. I’ve already been brought into His presence in a dream. I’ve heard His voice from time to time, and have received many wonderful spiritual experiences in my life, which I’ve learned not to talk about. I don’t think that many members of the church believe in those kinds of things anymore…there’s a spirit of unbelief that is pervasive now, I think. I’ve been very saddened by that.
Since Mormon Archipelago is becoming less interesting (in my personal experience), and most of the top blogs lack spiritual depth, it would be great if you (or someone with similar interests) maintained a list of blogs recommended. Or maybe a good list already exists somewhere, and I just haven’t seen it. It seems the greater trend in lds blogs is just grappling with Mormon Culture. While that is interesting, I’ve reached that point that I’m more interested in doctrine, history, and spirituality.
Of course there is only so much any of us can really read (scriptures, books, blogs, work), but something in me feels the need to at least be aware of what else of greater worth is being written about in the blogosphere.
I’m new to your blog…I am enjoying it – thank you. You mention that one of your 3 objectives in keeping a blog is “How to be personally prepared – prepared by the angels to be taught directly by the Lord.” Could you list some of the posts you consider most beneficial on that subject? Thank you…btw, I was surprised by your comment about women. In my small circle, it is the women with whom I find the most intellectual gospel conversation because of their in-depth study. That may be, however, because my circle is small. lc
Hi Lisa, Oh, I hope I don’t come across as misogynistic or disrespectful of women. My mother was a teacher and a scholar. I have great respect for intelligent women who know how to express themselves well. Three of my sisters have degrees, one a Masters in Library Science. One is Elder Perry’s secretary.
I think the point I was trying to make, and did poorly, is that if the Deseret Book catalog is any indication of the kind of books we are buying in this church, then we are in trouble of losing our focus on doctrine. Less than ten percent of the catalog fits that category. The offerings there have definitely changed over the years.
I think I am more concerned that our brethren do not study the doctrine as much as we did in the early days of the church. From what I have read in our history, the brethren were expected to be well-read, or at least well-informed, able to converse deeply on the doctrines of salvation and to be comfortable teaching. Many in the church today have never heard some doctrines that were commonly taught in the early days of this church.
To answer your question, I think most posts on Denver Snuffer’s books will in one way of another address the theme of being personally prepared to taught by angels and to receive the Lord. Denver is going on a year-long tour starting later this month If you haven’t heard of him, you will. He is a controversial figure but his books are amazing.
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