I don’t know this blogger and I normally don’t do this, but one of the joys of blogging is reading what others have felt important to share. I feel particularly impressed with this essay shared by Memoirs of a Married Mormon Man and felt it deserved additional readership. He writes that it will be his only blog post this month but it is worth it. Here is the heart of the essay:
A Missionary in Germany
“I recognized a smartly dressed elderly gentleman as he strode toward us. He looked as if he had somewhere to be. Someplace important. As he stopped in front of us, a wide smile on his face, he said hello to me. I smiled back, astonished at the happy coincidence, and introduced my companion to him as my father.
“He then turned to my father, and in fluent, though accented English, greeted him with, ‘I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that your son stopped me on the street one day. Before we met, I had lost God. Because he talked to me, I have found God again. Thank you for sending him here. Thank you.’
“My father was speechless. I felt like I was in a dream. This man was obviously ecstatic to see us. At that moment, I don’t know who was happier: me, my father, or this newly converted gentleman. But I have a suspicion that our happiness pales in comparison to the joy the Savior must have felt knowing that a few more of his children had found their way to Him.”
LDS Bloggers have stories to tell
That’s why I love LDS blogging. You can find jewels like this all over the place with just a little patience and digging. By the way, I found MMM through a comment he left of one of the blogs I regularly read: Rough Stone Rolling. I wish there was some place where we could nominate great stories to the LDS bloggers hall of fame. Anybody? Now go read the rest of the story.
That is an awesome post. I have learned more in the last two years of reading Mormon Blogs, about faith, about diligence, about love, and about the knowledge which all contribute.It is one fantastic feature of the Bloggernacle.
Tim, This is an awesome story. Thanks for highlighting it. Our stake has created a blog called “Sharing the Gospel: Personal Stories”. It is at: http://cincinnatiohionorthstake-mission.blogspot.com These are exactly the types of stories for which we are looking. (There is a description on the sidebar and directions for submission of stories.) If you come across others, I would appreciate a heads-up – and I am going to get the site listed on the aggregators, if possible.
I appreciate your blog. It is full of uplifting articles and commentary. I also appreciate that you are honest about the great faith of the LDS church. I have fav’d you on Technorati and have added you to my list of fav’d blogs on my site at http://issuesoncall.blogspot.com. I’d love it if you’d exchange links with me. I look forward to reading many more uplifting posts!
This is a terrific site. It’s great to see a site that provides unabashed commentary IN FAVOR of LDS doctrine and perspective. Also, thank you very much for the unsolicited, yet very much appreciated attention given to my recent post. Regards,MMM